Alien Flowers is a 3D series of animated compositions consisting of 10 variations of flowers. This is my personal project in which I wanted to dream up what plants from another planet might look like....
Every four years, the world gathers to enjoy and worship the most popular team sport worldwide, football or soccer. The FIFA World Cup is a grand championship featuring the best athletes, coaches, sports directors, managers, and many other professions. But it's also an excellent opportunity for crea...
STICKER HAPPY is a series of digital illustrations, born in the idea behind the fun in putting stickers on items to make it look more appealing. Adorning bad imagery with vibrant colors and fun stickers doesn't change the fact that they are bad....
Visual identity designed through lettering and illustration for this funny shooting gallery, crazily inspired by 80s Disney and Hitchcock movies, with a fantasy and horror feel....
An illustration series communicating how sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own thoughts & negative feelings that we feel alone and/or isolated from everyone but fail to remember we are not alone and can always reach out to others who are experiencing or experienced the same pain(s)...