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Character Design
I’d like to show my project named «Character Design» Here is the process of my characters creation. Here you can see how my personages of different ages and different characters look like. I also would like to represent you the sketches of my project to show how exciting it is to crea...
Poor liar
It is the illustration of one of the protagonists of the work “Superpoderosas”, written by me and my sister Flávia Duque. This is JinYi, and she is a girl who lies about being poor at school....
Yellow Umbrella
Illustration of a girl with the yellow umbrella in a rainy setting....
Trini Folklore
This project is based on the old folklore stories I grew up with in Trinidad and was done for my Master's Visual Thesis at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. Each piece represents its own folktale and the character the story represents....
Stricker Happy: A Series
STICKER HAPPY is a series of digital illustrations, born in the idea behind the fun in putting stickers on items to make it look more appealing. Adorning bad imagery with vibrant colors and fun stickers doesn't change the fact that they are bad....
Tequila Zarpado.
A piece for a new Tequila in the US. Illustration made for Zarpado, a take on the concept of a traditional Mexican spirit and ancient traditions, mixed together with the idea of the open sea, a trip in a bottle....
I´m enough
I´m enough! Self initiated Portfolio Work created in Adobe Fresco with Vector Brushes and Adobe Illustrator on the IPad concentrating on the emotions of being in awe with yourself - the feeling of being enough and worth it! The goal is to create characters that are strong and powerful. Di...
Pinche Bubu
Bubu (@pinchebubu on instagram) is the cat of graphic designers and illustrators Mariano Orell (@marianoorell on instagram) and Evangelina (@evanfelino on instagram) She's a Calico cat who supervises her owners work and the source of inspiration for this work. its done in photoshop with a wacom i...
Commissions project is a collection of illustrations that I made of people's requests. I work on transforming people's ideas and references into my own imagination in illustrations. I have been working on varied kinds of requests: portraits, portraits with imagined costumes, cute pets illustrations,...
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