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Polka Folks
The Polka Folks is an open-ended experimental project on micro-portraiture that goes on and on. They are based on tight constraints we have given ourselves to see how for how long we can come up with new and surprising ones. We usually work in series but occasionally we make one or two in reference...
Das · Lab
Das Lab is a coworking space dedicated to the people and their ideas in Santiago de Querétaro, Querétaro in Mexico. They are committed to help everyone to develop their projects providing the space, the tools and keeping them inspired through other disciplines and constant feedback. So, with th...
Singapore Art Museum
People often view art gallery as high brow and think that art and creativity are only reserved for the artist, designer, illustrator, and crafter. While the truth is that it is open and free for everyone to participate, enjoy, explore, and grow. Everyone has an innate art in them, but it takes pract...