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GS40 - Education Portal Branding
GS40 is an Educational Development Company - Founder creates courses for students with a spirit of innovation. In addition to online textbooks, GS40 also provides students with new learning methods based on experience and curriculum in Europe and the US. They believe this Start Up will bring new and...
Tetra - Connector Color Pens
Tetra is an amusing color marker with interactive building toys for kids. It’s made of interesting shape and combined form to create an opportunity for creativity extends beyond the page. The shape of a simple compound makes it easy to press and pull out. Also, kids can put each compound together ...
Armonía - Music for Inclusion
“Through the learning of arts and/or music the Project looks to accomplish the recognition of individuals and their diversity to explore their potential and help them through the inclusion process in the post- conflict Colombian society.” Antonio Suárez Albarracín (Project Leader) Concept and ...
1 year in Review
A pic of my favorite personal moments from mid August of 2016 to August of 2017. Photography is a new endeavor of mine, having just bought my first starter DSLR last August and this is a means in which I can learn to use the tools at hand....
Frail is a fictitious film story about a concubine's struggles to find her identity within her new family. It is one of the optional sequences that our featured artist Ash Thorp, challenged his students to create, during his Main Title Design course on Learn Squared. In Lessons 6 and 7 of the course...
Tea Spoon by Stevan Justo
Tea Spoon is an activity created by educators to enhance the exchange of ideas and confidence for a leadership training and was designed based on the tea ceremony. In this training, every leader has gained a box that contains a Tea Kit, with all items needed to have a cup of tea, at first sight [&he...
Let's Learn Something New by Cecilia Meade
Whether we admit it or not, the only thing that never stops is "learning". Learning never stops at a certain age of a human being. And today's feature showcases that we can learn something new in everyday of our lives. Read on and enjoy!...