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Crystal City
The crystal city is the initial conceptual idea for a residential compound in new capital in Cairo , The project is located on an area of 138,096 sqm, The project comprises of residential buildings, a strip mall, and a recreational central area . Since the compound will take place in a new city wit...
Royal Gardens
Royal Gardens New capital residential compound , Inspired from natural diversity ,We used the geometry of tree leaves & rose petals to form a homogeneous residential compound , that will provide advantages can only be provided through a dynamic shape ....
Care One Medical tower
Care one Medical tower is enormous Medical Hub (Focal Point) in Egypt . The building area 825 sq comprises a 13-store , the ground floor consist of pharmacy , and the first two floors contain the ( radiology and laboratory ) , the higher levels contains the clinics ....
West Plaza
West Plaza is a mixed-use building on area 5200 sq, contains commercial & administration areas, with a distinguished plaza that works as a gate to the basement commercial areas. The building higher levels have a separate office. The ground and mezzanine level contains 7 banks and two anchor re...
Sahel Hashes Resort
A resort in Sahl Hasheesh Hurghada, Egypt, with a 90,000 sqm, that includes recreational facilities, residential units, hotel and commercial center. Our Approach was to create a resort that provides a diverse range of facilities and activities , Through ( Open spaces , Recreation areas, Clubhouse , ...