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Astrological Zodiac
An exploration of the astrological zodiac signs (Capricorn through Sagittarius) using the signs' symbols, colors, and flowers. The project spanned 2 years and worked through several phases of my artistic journey. Over the course of this project, I grew from an artist who was nervous to show their wo...
Zodiac Tea - Energy of the Chakras
In Indian use of meditation and yoga, the Zodiac signs all correspond to specific Chakra centers located within the body. These seven energy centers are located along the spine vertically, and balancing them all results in attunement with nature and inner peace. Directly inspired from this process, ...
Astrolove App design
Astrolove is a social network created by Mel23 based in compatibility between zodiacal signs. A lot of people believe in this kind of feeling and way to connect with others. Astrolove allows users to create an account and to know people who are compatible with. The identity and design of the app has...