'Take Risks. Conquer your Fears.' by Tom Anders Watkins
Today we feature a piece by Tom Anders Watkins, an artist whose works have been part of Adobe's celebration of Photoshop's 25th anniversary. His piece, 'Take Risks. Conquer your Fears.' won in Adobe Creative Jams held last November. In this competition, 10 artist were given 3 hours to create something. He emerged the victor. Hope to get inspired by him and read on!
Take Risks. Conquer your Fears piece was definitely the most challenging artwork I’ve done to date, having a three hour deadline for concept and execution is surprisingly challenging, which was done as part of one of Adobe’s Creative Jams. It’s certainly the most tense while working (usually I like to be chilled listening to Bob Marley…) but deadlines bring the best out of designers and it’s something I’m quite happy with.
-Tom Anders Watkins
I knew I had to keep it relatively simple, while the concept came to me after recently watching a re-run of Felix Baumgartner’s space jump days before. It’s something I don’t do enough of myself, is take risks, so it acts as a personal reminder to me every time I sit down to work on something new and the poster stares me in the face.
-Tom Anders Watkins
Finally, the animated version.
More about the Artist
Tom Anders Watkins is a 20 year old, half Finnish half English self-taught Designer & aspiring Art director, currently studying Creative Advertising at the University of Lincoln (UK). To find out more about him visit his website and Behance page!
Amazing work. Also congrats on making it to Adobe's 25 under 25 campaign!