The project ( Trichets ) aims towards easing the process of using an ORS ( Oral Re-hydration Solution ) sachet in the outdoors ( on a trek/cycling expedition ) and making sure the powder doesn't spill anywhere outside a water bottle. This is achieved by changing the shape of the current sachet from a rectangle to an isosceles triangle. Because of the shape, the user is automatically guided towards the longer vertex to tear and the triangular shape guides the powder to flow in one direction eliminating spillage. A tear mark has been provided to make sure the tear hole is of appropriate size and excess/ deficit quantity of powder doesn't fall.
When I was exploring possible solutions for this project, ( with my aim being spill free dispensing of ORS powder ) I came across school children talking about an experiment related to water filtration in school and how they used a 'funnel' to pour water into a beaker. The word 'funnel' stuck to my mind and it helped me derive my current solution - A triangular sachet to easily dispense
powder inside a bottle.
Even though it is used widely by trekkers and cyclists in India, the ORS powder is primarily used by diarrhea patients and people suffering from dehydration. Because of this, I decided to keep the layout very clean and simple with using plain colors representing 1. Original brand color ( for Electral ) 2. Color representing flavors ( for Cipla ORS ). This makes it easy for everyone
to recognize the product.
I used Adobe Illustrator for this project. First I constructed an isosceles triangle to resemble the sachet. Then I jotted down all the necessary information which needs to appear on the sachet. After exploring various layouts, I finally chose one where all
the information fits perfectly inside the triangle. Pen tool, Rounded rectangle tool and Type tool have been used to create the entire illustration.
I got a lot of positive feedback for this project, not only from my faculty and class mates but also avid trekkers. They really liked how just one simple change in the current sachet makes the process of pouring the powder so easy.
Since this is my first project, I learnt a lot about how to pin point problem areas and understanding the user. The execution part improved by prototyping skills, illustration skills and lay-outing skills. To conclude, this project provided me a holistic learning experience and the ability to constantly re-iterate if one solution fails. Thank you
This is amazing! Awesome work :)
Thanks a lot Shane