Vengeance by Zhi Hui
Malaysia based artist Zhi Hui's "Vengeance" is a design that was originally a t-shirt design submission to Threadless. Little Red Riding Hood is one of his favourite stories and it has always been something he wanted to draw. He tried different layouts and composition on this. The concept is pretty straight forward tho, Little Red gets her sweet revenge. :)
I find it hard to describe my own style as it changes every time after I'm inspired by other artists. I admire artists with unique and outstanding style. While there are too many of them for me to name one by one, some of them that I really like are Tea Wei, Alexandre Zedig Diboine, Sachin Teng and Sergey Kolesov.
-Zhi Hui
I felt that as an illustrator/designer, one should put more effort in strengthening their foundations in art such as simple figure studies, colour studies, lighting and shadow. I also think that it is important to develop your very own illustration style.
-Zhi Hui
About Zhi Hui
Zhi Hui from Malaysia, or better known as "Kudaman" does character design, illustrations and concept art for games. His work have been used in Magazines, mobile games, gig posters and more. Zhi is currently working in a game company, Passion Republic as full time concept artist. See more of his works on Behance.