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Visualization of Mediterranean Villa by Anastasiia Andreichenko

Visualization of Mediterranean Villa by Anastasiia Andreichenko

Honey Adraque
July 14, 2015
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Anastasiia Andreichenko, a Russian computer graphic artist saw Mediterranean Villa by Paz Gersh Architects on one of the architectural sites. Villa looked very harmoniously and it seemed a well-thought-out building for a comfortable life. She end up with the idea to making this visualization.

I started to collect information, drawings, plans, various photos of the villa. At the beginning I thought that I wanted to do a couple of daily exterior pictures and that would be enough. In the process of creating my visualization I understood that I deeply penetrated in that work. I continued to work on this object and I made a couple of night exterior pictures and also interiors. It was interesting for me how villa would look in the early foggy morning. I could not overcome the desire to know it.

- Anastasiia Andreichenko



I did this visualization in spare time enjoying the creating. This process was very intriguing for me. I used 3ds Max, V-Ray and Photoshop for postproduction. I hope I could put a part of myself in this artwork, though I had not participated in the very design of this object.

- Anastasiia Andreichenko



About Anastasiia Andreichenko

Anastasiia Andreichenko is a young architect and a computer graphic artist from Engels, Russia. Art has always been a huge part of her life. She got a Master's degree in Architecture from Yuri Gagarin State Technical University in Saratov, Russia. She likes it when a picture from her imagination turned to a real one which other people can see. You can find more of her arworks on Behance profile.

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