Warner Bros. Steampunk Remix by Katlego Phatlane
Katlego Phatlane's 'The Warner Bros Steampunk remix' is the beginning of a series that will feature about 12 logos. Warner Bros. is a film based company, so the logo is powered by an old style projector, drawing power from the iconic concentric circles of Warner Bros.
The design follows a fairly simple layout which I am starting to get quite familiar with. The Neon type is the hero, followed closely by the device that powers it, in this case the old style projector pictured just below to the left of the design. From those two simple focal points I build around the logo. The concentric circles made it easier as this is quite a powerful visual element.
-Katlego Phatlane
A few weeks ago I created a project titled 'The New Style', which has sparked a steampunk craze within my work. The Warner Bros. steampunk logo was inspired by this too, I love the idea of powering 3D neon type sculptures with an AA battery, or powering steampunk styled type with a Bohm Stirling Engine. I like the juxtapose of the old powering the new.
-Katlego Phatlane
I am still working on my style. Like I said earlier, I am becoming more familiar with certain layouts and processes which I hope will one day help me to develop a unique style that lends itself to my capabilities. I love technical work, the skill behind the scenes, the process. So I am inspired by quite a vast number of people, lately I love the works of Aleksandr Kuskov & Omar Aqil. Their styles are so unique and I love the amount of work that goes behind their projects. But everything is inspiring, thoughts come at random times, which is why I believe personal projects are so important, as you can develop the skill of directing your own projects, which is a skill in itself.
-Katlego Phatlane
It is important as a creative, especially when you're young to not get consumed by the pressure and workload of advertising or which ever field lends itself to intense creative expectation. One always has to make time for personal projects, projects that grow your skill-set or improve upon your ideation. I never stop learning, I try to at least learn something new everyday, this doesn't always have to be within your field but it helps in some way with my creative workflow. I always use to ask myself how people made certain work, everything changed when I stopped wondering and started creating.
-Katlego Phatlane
About Katlego Phatlane
Katlego Phatlane, better known as 'Katt Phatt' is a 24-year-old junior creative and have just started his career at Promise Brand Specialists in Johannesburg, all the way in the beautiful South Africa. Katt is driven to create beautiful work at every opportunity and he's loving it. See more of his works on Behance.
Les concepts de ces logos sont vraiment géniaux. Ils sont vraiment intenses et bien pensés. J’adore cette chaîne.
Wow this must have taken an immense amount of time to create. What software did you use?
This project is the start of the series, I am currently developing Hellboy (https://www.behance.net/wip/1470385) which is part 2 of this steampunk logo remix series. I used Adobe Illustrator for the line work & all the gears that was later taken into 3D max for modelling & rendering.