Watercolors of Summer 2017

Almost all works you can see here are the personal projects I worked on during this summer. I usually enjoy taking a break in working in front of my monitor, grab my artist supplies and draw anything for a change. For a long period of time, I used acrylic paints. But this year I'm nearly obsessed with watercolors. I can't explain why I just feel that for now, it's the best media I can use.
Forest Creatures 2.0 is a personal project. The first painting was made earlier for one of my ex-clients (who eventually became a very close friend) to commemorate our cooperation, which successfully lasted for 2 years. The painting Forest Creatures 1.0 stays in a personal collection in Ayr, Scotland, UK, and the second one stays with me and decorates my working space. Sometimes I like filling the whole space of paper sheet and this was the case. I was much inspired by Kiwetin, a beautiful board game. And also by daily walks with my dog in the forest, where I see hundreds of different species. The idea that there are little creatures who are responsible for everything going on in a forest seemed wonderful to me, and I favored to bring it to life.
In case I'm occupied with a serious project that needs all my attention and I have to use nothing but Wacom tablet, I prefer to do the quick painting ones in a while - just to be sure that my hand remembers how to use a paintbrush. I decided to depict Melo the Converter the next morning I watched 'Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets'. I liked this cute creature so much! Pure watercolors without outlining.
When I drew the dogs I just wanted to practice using waterbrush and create something nice and funny. What can be better than depicting animals? I'm a huge dog lover! I thought it would be nice to have few ready-made works before New Year Eve in my social media portfolio.
The girl illustration was made all of a sudden. It was an early morning, I was having my coffee and thinking about the characters I had to draw with a help of my graphic tablet. The next minute I decided to try them in watercolor. The same day my client confirmed that this girl meets all his requirements excellently. Later I made both of the girls, but I like this portrait a lot. It reminds me that I should listen to my inner voice more often, as well as follow my creative desires.
I love using mixed media - watercolor paints and black gel pen, which gives more control and helps with color delimitation. But of course, I also use pure watercolor without outlining. Pictures with outlining have their own specific. In case with Forest Creatures I had to use outling twice - before painting with watercolor and after finishing.
Be yourself, follow your passions, open new horizons, don't be afraid to be different in your life and in your art! Experiment, create and remember that you are not 100 Dollars banknote to be loved by everyone. And if your art has received a hundred no, later you'll get two hundred yes, that's for sure.