Wind of Change - Typism Book #5

Typism is one of the biggest community of letterers, type lovers and calligraphers in the world.Every year Typism makes an Open Call , with a judging panel that put all the black & white artworks through a two-step shortlisting, selecting then the final 192 to be published. According to them, this book a curation of the best hand lettering, custom type, and calligraphy the world has to offer.
I’m very grateful to be amongst so many talented artists from all around the world !
I am in a changing phase in my life and so I decided to portray this same change in the artwork that I made exclusively for the open call of Typism.
“Wind of Change” was the slogan per say, which I drew being swept away by the different wind routes and added some leaves to reinforce the same idea of swirl, representative of my emotions.
I started the process as I always do regardless of the type of project I'm working on, with some good old paper sketches.
Then I chose the best draft, scanned it and continued in Adobe Illustrator where I used my Wacom Intuos 4, while I had the right playlist playing to put me in the right mood ?
No matter how often, I think I’ll never get used to the feeling of seeing my work published, I feel very thankful to be amongst so many talented artists from all around the world ! A big thanks to the founder of Typism Dominique Falla and all the team of this amazing global online community !
I feel quite lucky to be one of the 192 finalists in the middle of more than 4000 submissions.
In the end, the most important thing is to believe in ourselves and especially in our work and not be afraid to take a "step forward". Good things can happen !
This is beautifully detailed, nice work!