Zhuli-Buli Chocolate Packing

Art and social project “Zhuli-buli”, supervised by two Ukrainians, Yova Jager and Nastya Ptichek, is aimed at demonstrating this simple, revealing truth. Among the painted forest nobility we can recognize rare representatives of The Red Book of Ukraine: black grouse, polecat, white hare, lynx, and bison. The composition as well contains numerous plants, which, in fact, are also going through hard times. You can find here lime-tree, Gladiolus palustris, Iris pineticola.
The aim of this project is to instill humanity in people and show how to live in harmony with the world. That is why, a bison is depicted with a pipe, a part of which is made of its horn; a lynx is wearing a hat with a fur pompom; a hare is associated with a rabbit’s foot, the symbol of good luck, but in order to avoid bloodshed, there is a hand of Fatima on the hare’s neck – also the symbol of fortune; a polecat symbolizes a fur collar, which is why he is depicted in a wool circle scarf. As for the black grouse, among the reasons for its extinction is a comprehensive list of human’s needs – consuming it as food or using in décor. That is why we see him wearing a beret with his feather. In addition, pictures show us plants that are dying out. They are more difficult to recognize as they are not as familiar to our eye as the animals are. As we know, everything in nature is intertwined, so the disappearance of one species of plants may cause the disappearance of a certain species of animals.
To create packaging for a brand of chocolate Lived-Buli was using Adobe Illustrator. The first thing chose a color palette for the background, thus differentiated the chocolate in the flavors: milk, dark and milk with nuts. Also for the differentiation is the dividing line, made different styles.
The project focuses the society’s attention on issues of wildlife, animals and plants, whose life is far from being fairy like. The “Zhuli-buli” project is a modern fairy tale, which teaches us that humanity is not just a matter of ethics, and the only characters here are human beings.
The project is aimed at solving three important problems: raising the question of illegal extermination of plants and animals on the territory of Ukraine; helping environmental institutions and animals shelters by transferring a certain percentage of sale of all items with pictures of the project; the development of local art initiatives, welcoming those who are interested in art collaboration within the project.