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Architectural Chess Sets: Digital Model & 3D Printing

Architectural Chess Sets

Architectural Chess Sets is a 3D modelling project that originally is from the course 3D Modelling CAD/CAM in NSCAD University. The assignment is using Rhinoceros 5 software to create a set of chess with a special theme, I chose diverse architectural styles from different culture and religions to create chess sets. The outcome of project has 2D Drawing, 3D digital model and model rendering.
After 3D printing technician training, the project is taken further to be 3D printed, which the chess sets are transformed from digital 3D model to physical products. This Chess set is a obvious example of transformation from Computer-aided Design to Computer-aided Manufacturing. The chess pieces are 3D printed individually; to distinguish two types of printing materials, the black chess are printed by ABS plastic and the white chess are printed by PLA plastic. The chess board is laser cut acrylic board.

Architectural Chess Sets is a 3D modelling project that originally is from the course 3D Modelling CAD/CAM in NSCAD University. The assignment is using Rhinoceros 5 software to create a set of chess with a special theme, I chose diverse architectural styles from different culture and religions to create chess sets.

Rhinoceros 5.0 , BRAZIL , Slic3r, Repetier-Host , Laser Cut 51, Lulzbot_Taz2 , Makerbot1
This 3D printing reseach ducument represent the final assignment of the Independent Design Research Course DSGN–4155. This document describes the process of 3D printing and displays 3D printed products. The content are divided into four parts.
• Introduction to 3D Printing
• Printing Materials
• Duplicating Extruder
• 3D Printing Product
Student: Chris Yan
Instructor: Glen Hougan

Many professors and students from NSCAD University really like my project, in additional they asked me to set up a 3D printing presentation and a workshop.
I earned lots of experience with from 3D printing training, and practiced my 3D modelling skills. The most important part, I find the solution how to becomingly convert from a digital model to a physical model, which it is not simple as just press software keys.

Chris Yan

Interdisciplinary Designer ( Product, Graphic, 3D Printing and Interaction Design)

Design student from NSCAD University, Canada;
Exchange study at University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany

English & Mandarin Chinese

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