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Asymptote II by Evelyn Bencicova

Asymptote is a mathematical term meaning a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely. The word asymptote is derived from the Greek ἀσύμπτωτος (asumptōtos) which means "not falling together".The term was introduced by Apollonius of Perga in his work on conic sections, but in contrast to its modern meaning, he used it to mean any line that does not intersect the given curve. But what does it mean for photographer Evelyn Bencicova? Let's take a look at Evelyn's project Asymptote II.

ASYMPTOTE is a collaboration with my close friend Adam Csoka Keller (as many of my works). This project is connecting our national history with photography, video and other art forms through which we are communicating this theme with wider an audience. It includes a lot of research and journalist work so for both of us it is a challenge to process more serious, academic content and combine it with our visual aesthetics.
-Evelyn Bencicova

It is inspired by the era of socialism in former Czechoslovakia. We are observing the aftereffect of this regime on everything around- starting with art, architecture, character of society but also individual people. Part of it is collecting direct testimonies collected from people who lived in this time and can share their oral legacy with next generations.
-Evelyn Bencicova

I'm using Canon 5D Mark II, always working with natural light. My work is more emotional than technically advanced but I'm putting a lot of focus on composition and location scouting.
-Evelyn Bencicova

Do what you love. Accept failure but always learn for future. And don't forget to live :)
-Evelyn Bencicova

About Evelyn Bencicova

Natalia Evelyn Bencicova is a 22-year-old visual creative working mostly with digital photography. She grew up in Bratislava, Slovakia and is currently studying in Vienna (University of Applied Arts, class of photography and fine art). She has been working with this medium for more than 3 yeas, using Canon 5D mark II camera most of the time (besides experimenting with analogue techniques). In her work, she's trying to pursue a niche wherein commercial and artistic meet, focusing on conceptual as well as the visual aspect of photography. See more of her work at Behance or her website.

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