Bridge of Unity by Keremcan Kirilmaz
Keremcan Kirilmaz's "BRIDGE of UNITY" is designed to present an iconic, modern and memorable bridge to the city of Sivas by paying respect to the cultural and historical aspects of the city and Kizilirmak river. The bridge conceptualizes two ideas: "unity for people" and "unity for the city".
The transversely arched section of the bridge both symbolizes the mythological description of Sivas – three rivers, three roads, three cultures – and the unity of geographical, climatic and cultural differences of the city with its interconnecting three arches. BRIDGE of UNITY's arched typology has also an organic connection with the two other medieval stone bridges of the city.
-Keremcan Kirilmaz
The bridge embodies transportation for pedestrians, vehicles, bicycles and light rail train system. Two transparent viewing decks is designed to symbolize the vectoral projection of Kizilirmak river on western and eastern directions.
-Keremcan Kirilmaz
Steel is the selected structural system of the bridge. While the arched design of the bridge gives the bridge adequate stability needed, the additional partial suspension cable system eliminates the resonance to be created by the light rail system within the bridge. The design of BRIDGE of UNITY came from the idea of conceptualizing two ideas: "unity for people" and "unity for the city".
-Keremcan Kirilmaz
The inspiration for this project is the mythological description of Sivas – three rivers, three roads, three cultures – and two medieval arched stone bridges of the city were the main inspiration aspects of the design. I would consider myself an innovative, futuristic architect. Morphosis, Coop Himmel(b)lau and Tom Wiscombe are my main inspirations.
-Keremcan Kirilmaz
Basically, what sets my design apart from the others is being a bold representation. The best advice I can give is, "Always try to think the unthinkable."
-Keremcan Kirilmaz
See the whole project here.
About Keremcan Kirilmaz
Keremcan KirilmazI graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Izmir Institute of Technology in 2007 and received his master's degree in Design Studies field in 2010. Since then, he's been practicing in the field of architecture with the purpose of pushing its boundaries to its limits. Through the years, he have won several national and international architecture rewards. See more of his amazing works on Behance.