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coffee studio packaigng

coffee studio packaigng

Toka tarek
July 24, 2018

pouch design
drink bottle
packaging design for the iced coffee branding
it's a project for iced coffee bottle and coffee pouch Arabica coffee, it's mix from music and coffee and it's a great, I think coffee always related by music, classic or whatever your favorite kind of music

it comes from coffee and music so it's so different, the colors it's back to coffee the pattern describes the music tones, I have chosen my project from the beginning very carefully I didn't do bottle before so it was a great thing to work with this space and material

with AI and PS, I have chosen my project from the beginning very carefully I didn't do bottle before so it was a great thing to work with this space and material, it comes from coffee and music so it's so different, the colors it's back to coffee the pattern describes the music tones

every project I had learned from, about the colors the material and what to do and not I didn't do bottle before so it was a great thing to work with this space and material, and the feedback was great the client also loved it so much

thank you so much for give me the time

Toka Tarek

Experienced Packaging Designer with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. Skilled in Photography, Printmaking, Foreign Languages, Graphic Design, and Drawing. Strong arts and design professional with a very good focused in Graphic Design from faculty fine of arts

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