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Feministas Para Colorear


This is a coloring book thought for both adults and children. It was illustrated by me and written by my long time friend Carolina Aguirre, thinking about the kind of books we'd love to have as kids and as a legacy for our sisters and nieces.
It features the stories of 35 women who changed our world: writers, astronauts, scientists, actresses, directors.

It all started talking among us about the kind of book we'd love to had had as kids and a way to tell the stories of this 35 women to our nieces and sisters. She's a writer, I'm an illustrator so why not?

I used paper for the sketches and then artflow app in my Samsung Note A tablet to do the actual drawings. I then edit the size and made some adjustments in Photoshop.
For the cover, we used mixed images: some of them were design for the cover and some of them were new. We also added some blocks of colors as well as textures using Photoshop.

I actually learned a lot! I was not very used to drawing in a tablet, so that was a huge learning experience. And I also learn more about these women and their stories, some of them were already known to me, but some of them were not.

Eliana Iñiguez

I'm Eliana, an illustrator from Argentina. I recently published "Ada, celeste cielo" for Daruma ediciones and "Feministas para colorear" for Monoblock.
I also draw for magazines both in Argentina and Europe.
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