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Fractal Series by Nathan Carver

Art Director Nathan Carver's project, "Fractal Series" started with an urge to create something new. He spent most of his creative time working on ads, so after a while, his brain craves something without a product. Nathan also wanted to tie in his photography that can often be forgotten in dusty computer folders.

Nathan Carver

The designs took a lot of experimentation and a good playlist. They are essentially created by layering the selected image into a pattern – scaling, rotating and masking them into the final designs.
-Nathan Carver

The inspiration for this was really two-sided. Mentally, I wanted to recharge my creative drive and to do that, I knew I had to branch out of my typical style and try something new. Visually, my inspiration stemmed from the various music that tends to surround my desk.
-Nathan Carver

I’m a big fan of Bonobo, Odesza, Submotion Orchestra, and other similar artists. The art that represents their music is always in the corner of my eye and was definitely a major source of inspiration for this project.
-Nathan Carver

Advertising requires me to design in a wide range of styles. With that, I admire a wide range of artists. Dave Hill, Leif Podhajsky, Pawel Nolbert, and George Lois are just a few to mention.
-Nathan Carver

“I hope you dislike the work you did a year ago.” A creative director once told me this and I think it’s great advice. I don’t think you have to hate your old work, but when you look back on it, it shouldn’t be seen as perfect.
-Nathan Carver

About Nathan Carver

Nathan Carver is an art director, designer, and photographer that brings aspects of each to every project. He currently lives in Knoxville, Tennessee with his computer, camera, and passport. See more of his works on Behance or his website.

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