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Il Lato B di Roma


"Il Lato B di Roma" is a social blog Born thanks to the idea of a Roman student, Silvia Giordano, to share with others her knowledge of no-tourists places in Rome. The purpose is to be able to appreciate this places and monuments more hidden and unknown.

The graphic's will is that of represents in logo, one of this hidden monuments less important in Rome, "The Canova's Venus" shot back, to represents the bottom that in italian is translate "lato b".

Then show the bottom to create a images games, to join the name and the ideas in logo identity.

I use Illustrator Photoshop and Indesign, but first i search image in Google and take pictures live in Rome. Use the color of sky because is too original for Rome that use everytime red and yellow colors. Is too important also use pensil and paper to come to final idea.

The project is too liked on web, where there is more appreciations. People understand the meaning behind the logo and I'm so happy for this, because the ironic side is understand to all. I received little criticism, but those that came to me have helped me to modify it.

Lorenzo Artibani

I'm Lorenzo Artibani a Graphic Designer from Rome. I studied at the International School of Comics in Rome and I graduated in 2016.
This was an important step in my life, in which i could learn basic elements and rules of design. I attended this university for 3 years and I studied graphic design, photography and creative process.

When i finished my study I started to work at Gb Trade, which is an important import export company, where I was their designer. After this job, an important graphic company called me and offered me an important job opportunity. Now I'm still working in this company and I'm truly excited about it.

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