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ISWIN Design by Sergey Antonov

Art-Director and Designer Sergey Antonov's ISWIN was the subject of his project with the theme of "as futuristic as the future". It was supposed to be use as video background to make scrolling of the site not standard, as horizontal and vertical. The basis of configuration of four squares was formed by a grid of the view­finder of the camera which would create for the user a certain effect immersion in occurring on the screen.

Sergey Antonov

The grid for creation was chosen standard 12 columns in 960 px. The main plus for this project is that the user can pass from the homepage to any section of the site without opening the menu, in only one cliques.
-Sergey Antonov

I try to adhere to the ten principles of good design of Dieter Rams. Also every morning, I try to give at least hour on monitoring of design resources for search of inspiration. I also try to see more - often traveling over the different countries.
-Sergey Antonov

Photos on space, the photographer of Tim Tadder became inspiration. It is difficult to tell, I think a limit for perfection of idea doesn't exist :) My style most likely can be described as minimalist. The inspiration source periodically comes from where it and you don't wait :)
-Sergey Antonov

Design it as not only to look good, but also as a solution of a task. Be not afraid to experiment look for your strengths and developing in them.
-Sergey Antonov

About Sergey Antonov

Sergey Antonov is a 28-year-old designer. He was born in the small, but beautiful city of Voronezh which is in Russia. Since he was a child, he had always liked to draw, and devoted a lot of time to this craft. He graduated from a high art school majoring in "Applied art" and graduated as "Systems Analyst". His skills developed that after he graduated and fully engaged himself in graphic design. Gradually mastering graphic design, he started designing interfaces for sites and mobile applications and to draw for them design. He's curently engaged at doing UI/UX Design. See more of his works on Behance or his website.

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