Site icon Design Ideas


Kirin is a smartphone application that helps the management of paper documents in the archive.
The name comes from the Japanese and means Giraffe.
The logo had to be simple, clean and able to connect two images, that of the giraffe and the office.

First I decided to find a link between the two images, so I thought the paper clip, a typical office object and easily moldable.
I started modeling a paper clip to get a stylized giraffe that allowed me to work on the final logo.

Before I used paper, pencil and some paper clips to draw some sketches, I showed three drafts to my client and together we decided to work on what became the final logo.
To design the logo and get a soft form I used the figure of the circle, I designed all using Adobe Illustrator.

Initially I showed the various drafts to the people, I have received various feedback that has led me to get the final logo.
I showed the finished project to the same people, they told me they would have downloaded the application as soon as it was available in stores and this was a great satisfaction.

Lorenzo Rocco

My name is Lorenzo and i am a visual designer.
I deal mainly with brand design and editorial design.
I am open to new challenges and always ready to get involved.
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