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Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Landscapes is a continous project. I photograph anything and anywhere I go. I look to capture images that are visually interesting and will carry your eye throughout the photograph. I take these images for a visual journal of my life and my travels.

There was not one specific idea that led me to this project. I like to capture moments in my travels that I find beautiful or particularly stunning. I use my iPhone half the time because it is easier to carry around while snowboarding or hiking and the other half I used my Nikon D3000. When I do use my Nikon I take with me the kit lens and the 70-300mm telephoto lens.

I use a variety of software to edit my photos. On my computer I use Photoshop, Lightroom and on my phone I use the app VSCO. My goal when I go out and photograph landscapes is to take as many as I can. Once I have time to view them again I will then choose which ones I think are the strongest compositionally. I crop, fix the white balance and then add soft colors to my images to create a serene composition.

I feel that one of the most important habits that an artist does is to have some sort of continual art practice. Whether it is something that took you 10 minutes or an hour I think it is important to keep working on something every day to keep growing. My main practice is graphic design and illustration, however photography is this for me. The main lesson that I learned from this project is to stick with something and you will improve.

Lindsey McCann

I'm currently a student majoring in graphic design and minoring in computer science. I am mostly focused in UX/UI design, but have been doing photography since a young age.
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