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Mountain TOP

This is a coffee packaging design. The raw materials of the coffee beans come from three different places,JAVA,ETHIOPIA and ILE DE LA REUNION.
The common feature of these three places is that the coffee beans grow on the high mountains.
I need to design a set of designs to express the high quality and characteristics of coffee.

The "Mountain TOP" brand has a double meaning, on the one hand the coffee trees of these three coffees are all in high mountains in three different regions of the world and, on the other hand, TOP represents an excellent quality of the product. The design looks like retro, vintage and classic figures using a typography specifically created for the design.

First of all, I have to determine what material to make on the packaging, and size.
Next is the style, I will do some research, and then draw different sketches and compositions on paper with a pencil.
After the selection is made, it will be scanned into the computer, further operation with illustration, and then modified with photoshop.
Finally, the rendering the picture.

People's response is still good.
In this project, I was inspired to think that the packaging of coffee can be more diversified, and the retro can also be more modern.
How to create a complete range of coffee, for the use of color, can better distinguish their differences in the same series, such as taste, or region.

I hope that you like it, and I hope that you will communicate with me at any time.

Jianfeng ZHANG

Salut! Je suis un étudiant diplômé en communication visuelle à Paris, en France. Je suis une généraliste en design graphique passionnée par la construction et le développement de marques par le biais d'illustrations et de visuels inoubliables.
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