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A branding project for Ocanga. More than that: Ocanga is an extract of a life inside a brand. When I met Marcio (ocanga's owner), as a steel structure specialist, all he wanted was to have a company. A business to call his own, with purpose and the values he carried his whole life working on constructions. He already came with soul and profundity, it was hard to not fall in love with his story. His point of view was to get people together even on a rude place like construction, and most of all, he has consciousness that his work was part of it, so once he said: "the structures interact with people and the space interacts with the life around". All these ideologies was such a rich material, mainly came from an engineer.

Ocanga is all about humans. It's about the relation of human being with the space he will be at. To build is to create stories, memories and human connection. It is a process that connects body and soul and that makes the feeling of belonging more real. Ocanga is a name based on two words from Tupi language: 'OCA' means home for brazilian indians. On the other hand, 'ANGA' means Soul. The brand process was lead by the brand positioning and also the need to create a strong and unique brand that speaks with the universe of engineering.

The logo represents his ciclic work process into an structural construction of the word "OCA" inside of it. On the overview we can see an ampersand where the letter A gets shelter. And this is all that represents Ocanga: spaces of existence, life, shelter. The colors was chosen based on the equilibrium of the colors already used on the field and a pop orange color to bring the heat we needed. The brand has three different types, one monospaced type representing the structure, one sans serif representing the equilibrium and one brush script type representing the humanization, the soul of the brand.

We built strategies of prospection, goals of growth, tools for guiding his company, brandbook and everything he needed to launch in the market. Marcio keeps his work of growing his small business, and step by step he conquers the market with the help of his new commercial speech, graphic materials and his philosophy.

Alan Silva

Hello there, my name is Alan. I'm a young graphic designer that loves to do pretty stuff. I live for the impulse of making an harmonious, deep and meaningful work.
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