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Páramo de Guerrero

This project starts as an investigation for a subject of my university career. Colombia has an amazing ecosystem called “Páramo” this habitat begins at 2.600 meters above sea level, there you can find a unique vegetation. The dominating species of the páramo is called “Frailejón”, its scientific name is Espeletia. These species capture water from the humidity of the environment. My main objective is to raise awareness and show this kind of places to the people. We must need to protect these places, in Colombia 85% of drinking water comes from the páramo.

The project was based principally on the conservation of the Andean Condor, for those who do not know, the condor is the National Bird of Colombia but sadly is in danger of extinction. The páramo is part of its habitat, therefore for the final exhibition we decided to show some photographs of the páramo next to the condor to visualize the delicate balance between these two.

My equipment is my Canon 6D with the Canon Lenses 24-105mm f/4, the process starts with the trip planning to the paramo, it wasn’t easy because there is almost no information about the place. Then, in post-production I use Lightroom and Photoshop, editing exposure correction and a bit of saturation highlighting the colors of the original shot(place).

I’ve learned a lot about the value of these ecosystem, without them we couldn’t survive, it’s necessary to conserve these places that have not yet been recognized by the government. A few days ago, I was exhibit 4 photographs and one of them was from this series, the public loved it and has surprised by the fact that the photo was taken near to the place of the exhibition (Zea mays).

Just want to invite you to know those places near to your home, to travel more. I feel lucky of have been born in Colombia, just hope to continue traveling and sharing with you all the wonderful places on the planet.

Daniel Morales

I'm a Colombian photographer based in Bogotá. My name is Daniel Alejandro and I'm 22 years old.
I work as a freelance photographer, my main subjects are landscape and portrait.
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