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"PEOPLE" Human Diversity Toy


"GENTE" Juguete para crear diferentes corporalidades.
"PEOPLE" Creating different corporalities with a toy.

The game is about matching basic forms to get different shapes of people.
The product is built with local materials and soft technology.
+Local economy +Work +Diversity = -Unemployment -Violence -Racism

Many countries have been destroyed on thinking that neighbor is the enemy. It matters that our children understand that all of us are made of the same and for our parents to have a strong selfstime to build healthy societies.

The idea is to use basic production systems mixed with versatile design game that could represent society needs such as: share, have fun, respect, inclusion, cultural pluralism and to enjoy free time for imagination.

The production is defined from:
1-Existing local resources: Materials of construction. For example:
wood, plastic waste, wool, among others.
2-Energy: According to the local energetic matrix. For example:
-Greater electricity: Simple electrical machines
-Less electricity: Manual work
3-Technique: developed trades of the place. For example:
-Injection of recycled plastic. (As “Precius Plastic” models)
-Felt kneading
-Wood lathe

"People" is a project that integrates several social actors: groups of workers and organized communities that require new jobs, encouraged by the state or ONG’s that facilitate the construction and logistics of small or medium scale productive workshops.
The final product can be delivered in schools, sold in toy stores or even promoted as a local souvenir.

I've done ceramic study models, sketches, 3D modeling and photomontage to recreate the design idea.

First, sketched a lot of ideas about matching basic forms to create different shapes of body. Then i had choosen 3 basic shapes, that modeled in ceramic to see and feel de measures, weigh and proportions.

Finally i have made the 3d modeling, and some photomontage so show differents ways of build the idea.

Many people told me that it is a wonderfull idea.

The most difficult part of this, it is to manage goverment actors, comunity and workshops to the entire system.

So its not only about design, it also have a lot of politics, economic and social desicions to work out.

So now I´m thinking about to get simple this idea or to find people interested in develop social and economic projects to small comunities.

“GENTE” it’s inspired on the social diversity of my country. I want venezuelan people to realize that we all are could be different but we are made of the same wood.

Stefanie Suarez

I'm a venezuelan industrial designer.
I like mix creativity and experimentation to design usefull objects, taking care of enviromental and social impact of design and working with multidisciplinary teams.Fusionando la creatividad con la experimentación, busco diseñar objetos útiles con alta carga semántica, sin perder de vista la sustentabilidad productiva y el trabajo en equipos multidisciplinarios.
Diseñador Industrial egresada de la Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela (2011)
Master en Tecnologías Urbanas Sustentables. Buenos Aires, Argentina (tesis en curso)
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