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Responsive Folding by Paula Costa

This project was created by Paula Costa, a talented artist from Brazil, was asked by her professor to create a responsive screening folding to be a part of a structural system to cover a glass tower of a SCAD building. Let us take a look at how she created it. Enjoy!

I produced this artwork for the class of Parametric and Generative Modeling for the Building Arts at SCAD last winter. I created this structure using grasshopper and rhinoceros software. One of my inspiration is the Mucharabi of the Arabe Architecture. The mucharabi provides protection against the sun at the same time it is a beautiful element in the Architecture. I also got inspiration in flowers and origamis.

- Paula Costa

My main challenge was to produce a screening system that can be integrated to the old building (SCAD Museum Building in Savannah, Georgia). The SCAD Museum it is a historic building with important value in Savannah.

- Paula Costa

About Paula Costa

Paula Costa is a senior architecture student from Brazil who received a scholarship to study at SCAD in 2014. She is interested in Parametric Design and in sustainability in Architecture. She truly believes that Architecture can be improved if we develop and study new technologies and work together with engineering understanding how the structure works in the composition. You can find more of her works on her Behance profile.

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