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Aerial Views of Mar Del Plastico by Bernhard Lang
Mar Del Plástico is a greenhouse farming in Almeria which is being photographed in a bird's eye view by Bernhard Lang, an aerial photographer. He loves to display the impact of the human beings on the environment. Read on and enjoy!...
Feelers by Ari Weinkle
Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language readable and beautiful. However, today's feature is a typographic experiment inspired from the movement on the animal appendages. These designs are created by Ari Weinkle, an artist and designer living in Boston, MA. Read...
The Sea Creatures by Iryna Korshak
Most people find comfort when they are in the sea. So today, we bring you some designs not only of the sea but the creatures that are in it. These sea creatures are illustrated by Iryna Korshak, a freelance graphic designer and illustrator from Zhovkva, Ukraine. Have fun with her designs and enjoy!...