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The Befawara Jazz Quartet by Michael Söderqvist-Waag

Befawara is a jazzproject from the city of Bergen in Norway. It is a jazz quartet consisting of musicians from the Grieg-academy in Bergen and the University of Cape town in South-Africa. Read on and enjoy!

The band is actually called Befawara, but for this tour-identity I chose to elaborate the band name by adding «jazz quartet».The band name is constructed by the first two letters of each of the 4 members last name. Berg, Fassie, Waag, and Rafteseth. It is a random and improvised name, which creates an attractive and rhythmic phonetic pronunciation. Which also became the core idea for my visual concept.

- Michael Söderqvist-Waag

The drummer is my little brother, and after attending one of their concerts for the first time hearing the band play, (already being a fan of jazz) I instantly got inspired to create something for them. Well apart from their music and creative vision, I found a lot of inspiration in old jazz music, Jazz has one of the most genuine and honest expression forms there is, which is a rare ability to possess in any form of creativity these days. I also wanted them to have a distinct visual advantage to get attention to their tour.

- Michael Söderqvist-Waag

I wanted to visually communicate what Befawara creates through sound. With simple forms, I created a design element from the letters in the band name. The Identity is constructed around this design element, which is the main focus of expression. It shows random movement but in a structured set-up, with purpose, just as with their music.

- Michael Söderqvist-Waag

I always use pen and paper, and sketch out the ideas until I feel I got it right,then I move on the computer. Pen and paper is always quicker, and more natural, you will always get a better and more honest feel about shapes and forms working with pen and paper. The computer creates a barrier between your mind, and the execution of design. In this project I used illustrator to execute the final result of the design.

- Michael Söderqvist-Waag

The ideas derived directly from the band and, their own vision with their music. I found there was very interesting contrasts in their own approach to making music. To improvise, but still create a complete, rhythmic and understandable result. I think the biggest challenge, was to define and create a visual result that would solve my starting point of the strategy, which was to create something "randomly logic".

- Michael Söderqvist-Waag

Michael Söderqvist-Waag

Michael Söderqvist-Waag is a graphic designer located in Oslo, Norway. He currently works at a digital design agency, focusing on interaction and new ways of exploring digital design, doing smaller and personal assignments on the side. Also, he's a beekeeper. You can find more of his works on his Behance profile or website.

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