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The Culinary Lab

The Culinary Lab

At the heart of an industrial cluster between two factories, the culinary lab is an experimentation ground offering small scale modulable restaurants for culinary students of the nearby culinary arts school and hobbyists.
The 6x6 modules can be joined or emptied to form the desired layout.

The project was conceived as part of my graduation project - an urban model aiming at integrating industrial ghettos with their surroundings at a physical, social, economic, and programmatic level.
The choice of construction material comes from the high availability of locally produced metallic elements.

The project started off with conceptual hand drawn sketches. The plans and sections were drawn with Autodesk Autocad and the 3D model with Autodesk 3dsMax. The images were rendered with Chaos group Vray and post-produced with the help of Adobe Photoshop.

The project was very well received during the final presentation. Jury members along with visiting professors and students highly appreciated both its architectural quality along with the simplistic presentation style adopted. I learned about various construction techniques related to metal construction along with the requirements of spaces dedicated to culinary arts of relatively small scale.

Elie Salameh

A young architect based in Beirut, Lebanon.
Passionate about all forms of design and a life-long learner.
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