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The Dinosaurs

A collection of three dinosaurs, made with simple lines, details and colour. For this collection I chose three of my favourite herbivore dinosaurs, the brontosaurus, triceratops and stegosaurus. The final outcome for this project was to see them created into gifts for the home, such as cushions and art prints.

I wanted to design something new for my online shop that was not targeted directly towards girls, as many of my designs are, and I think that dinosaurs are super awesome and I loved them myself when I was a child. I wanted a simple colour palette that would look clean and modern. I also wanted the colours to be gender neutral.

- Melissa Nettleship

I used Photoshop CS6 and a Cintiq 13HD to create these illustrations. I sketched out the dinosaurs to begin with, then traced my sketch with different layers, starting with the block colours and gradually adding more detail.

- Melissa Nettleship

The reaction from this project has been very positive, I have a small following on Instagram and Tumblr and people were very nice. This project made me realise that I can be more free about what I want to draw.

- Melissa Nettleship

About Melissa Nettleship

Hello everyone, I'm Melissa and I'm from Nottinghamshire, UK. I studied fashion at University and have been a freelance artist since I graduated in 2014. Since then I studied a Masters at the University of Derby in Illustration. Drawing has always been something that I have wanted to do since as far back as I can remember. My illustrations are inspired by fairy tales, childhood memories and pop culture. I love drawing, fairy tales, Disney, colour and all things cute!

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