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The Little Things by Sara Ho

"The little things talks about my family; my mother, brother and I. It speaks of our unique family dynamics after my father passed away in 1995. We lived on after a loss and it was the little things along the way that brought us here. Our story started with tears but a new story of hope had begun." Sara Ho said.

Although my father passed away about 20 over years ago, I only recently realised that my family was different. Though there hadn't been a father figure, we three have had a close relationship that I thought was normal. This body of work talks about that relationship and the dynamics of the family of my mother, brother and I. We give emotional support to each other no matter the 'rank' in the family.

When thinking of how to style the photographs, I realised that my family owned many colourful and printed clothing. (Majority of these clothes belong to us) While pulling out the clothing from our wardrobes, I also realised that many of our clothes matched and blended together. I chose to use loud prints and colour in my photographs because I felt that it best reflects the essence of my family. Unashamed of expressing ourselves through what we wear.

- Sara Ho

I used D800.

I tried to match the print of the clothes to ones that were as similar as possible. The background colour also had to fit with the colour of clothes.
Each pair (eg. mother & I, mother & brother) have two photos depicting how one is strong when the other is weak and vice versa.

- Sara Ho

Some felt a warmth that I wanted to share through the love in my family. Others just enjoyed the play of colours in the images.

The most interesting this about doing this body of work with my family was that it was the first time that the youngest called the shots. It was initially an awkward feeling when all eyes were on me and I had to give instructions. I'm the youngest and also the quieter one. I learnt that my mother and brother are always willing to listen, I just never really speak up.

- Sara Ho

About Sara Ho

Sara is a visual artist that uses photography together with her background in graphic design and branding to express herself in her work. She uses photography and design to tell stories, be it her own or of others. As a collector of knick-knacks and random paraphernalia, Sara enjoys how a single object is able to house a world of narratives. She uses her love for quirky aesthetics and colour to visually convey the stories of the heart. Sara Ho (b. 1991, Singapore) is currently in Nanyang Technological University pursuing a BFA in Photography and Digital Imaging.

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