UD App by Hyesang Moon
Hyesang Moon's UD_App was her second project of Digital Ecosystem from the School of Visual Arts with Adam Katz who is working at Google Creative lab. There were several ideas for a new project so she went in and tried it out.
I wanted to work on fresh and fun topic, which is that I really like and enjoy it while I'm developing the project. I tried to figure out which ways help people to understand for using an elevator in easy. There were lots of processes to get a final goal. My aim was to find easy and clear visual communication methods in User Experience and User Interface.
-Hyesang Moon
My asset of design is to have flexibility in design and to find and create relationship for each project. Every work has specific relationships. Especially typography, it is a strong medium for communication so it is really important to scrutinize each design elements.
-Hyesang Moon
Experiences make our life to change. I'm making efforts to do new things to get inspirations in every life, such as walking new streets without a map or trying to taste new food. I would like to share a good quote that I always see from my wall, "Be Smart. Read Everything. Be Open to Everything and Learn How To Learn Do The Work".
-Hyesang Moon
About Hyesang Moon
Hyesang Moon is a graphic designer who eagerly finds a fun and playful way to tell a visual story. She is currently based in New York City where she is finishing her BFA in Design at the School of Visual Arts. See more of his works on Behance or his website.