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urbanism is a prototype showcase of an urban environment. when you go through the projects and face different problems and try to find how to make a way to fix the problems. it's always helpful to have a lot of progress in your works.

the idea came when i wanted to try a minimal design into a garbled urban city. when there are many happening around and you just want to show your idea as simple as possible, so you will go through solving the problems and finding the solution.

in the I for the building my client use ArchiCAD for the modeling and then I used 3dsmax and corona renderer for the render and photoshop for post-production. initially always start with a raw model of the project so I will start making more details in the environment and site plan to show everywhere in the best possible way. and then add the details one by one. like trees buildings etc.
but at the time you should be careful to not lose the harmony and composition also, and this is the most challenging.

I learned a lot from this project in terms of scene management and how to deal with the heavy scenes and billion polygons, how to create different moods.
sunny, rainy foggy, it was an interesting experience for me. also the behavior of some different characters like light and shaders in a big 3d scene and how to control everything.

it always good to challenge your self with something new, something that you have never done before and try to make something new and improve your skills.

Mohsen Hashemi

Architecture - Designer - 3d Artist
master of archtectur
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