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YouTube Redesign by Dmitry Nikonov

It's been ages since YouTube made a major revamping in how their website looks. Dmitry Nikonov, a graphic designer from St. Petersburg was getting tired of all the unnecessary and bulky design so he took it to himself to redesign it. Read on to see his minimalist design on YouTube.

This YouTube redesign concept was conceptualized because I was getting a bit tired of large-scale projects and wanted to make something simple and nice the way I want it to look like. At the moment, YouTube appears to be this huge storage of video content and to my eye, it looks bulky and with a lot of unnecessary garbage. That's why I decided to do something about it - without any strict plan, just for fun. Honestly, I had a great time and really enjoyed doing this redesign project.
-Dmitry Nikonov

There are not many personalities in web design that I follow or whose works I'm inspired with. But, I can name this one person Vladimir Kudunov. His works always make me think that he and his team are 10 steps forward ahead. He founded Market by Designmodo. And it's really amazing! I believe that this is one place where you can find some really cool designers.
-Dmitry Nikonov

My advice to designers is that to always set your own goals and follow them no matter what! Having a goal really helps you a lot because you will have a purpose and reason to strive harder and work harder.
-Dmitry Nikonov

About Dmitry Nikonov

Dmitry Nikonov was born in Russia, currently residing in Saint-Petersburg. He started doing design in 2003 when he entered college to become a graphic designer. Then in 2006, he moved to Saint-Petersburg (his favorite Russian city so far) where he studied for 6 years to become an industrial designer. Why he started doing web design is still a question for him but he suppose it happened by a happy chance. What he liked about graphic design back then was that it was an absolutely new field that he believed he would conquer the world. Right now, he's working for a couple start-ups that produce web services and IOS/Android apps. See more of his work at Behance.

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