Design Ideas Logo
Co.Lour by Laura Dillema
'Co.Lour' is a new online store where you can shop curated items divided by colour or materials, and they asked Laura Dillema to create some of their logos. Check out the process below....
Velvet by Erik Svetoft
A famous line states that a picture paints a thousand words. For the illustrations below, it is definitely more than a thousand! Take a look on a Swedish student's artwork wherein the amount of details can be mind-blowing. Dayum!  Velvet is a 70x50 cm drawing made with ink and pencil with digital ...
The Wilder Things by Angela Rizza
How do you define a wild design? Is it something scary or something imaginary? However, let me give you a quick view on how wild things go wilder with today's design created by Angela Rizza, a freelance illustrator from New York. Enjoy and have fun!...
Legend by Norris Yim
Plato once said that music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Today, we bring you some illustrations of legendary musicians created by Norris Yim, an illustrator from Hong Kong. Read on and enjo...
Fleeting Seasons by Andrea Wan
With her new series FLEETING SEASONS Berlin based artist Andrea Wan dedicates her artwork to one of the oldest topics in fine arts: transience and the eternal circle of life and death. Be amazed with her inspiring designs. Enjoy!...
Portraits in Ink and Tea by Carne Griffiths
Today, we will be giving you some inspirational and interesting designs created by Carne Griffiths, an artist who is working primarily with calligraphy inks, graphite and liquids, such as tea, brandy and vodka. Read on and be amazed with the uniqueness of his works. Enjoy!...