Design Ideas Logo
This project was carried out in the conceptual design class in the digital design course. The objective of this work was to redesign a logo of an existing company. So we used the semi-jewelry company of our friend Eduardo Dorazio's aunt....
Logo & Identity Design (Personal Brand)
The brief of this project was simple. Realize my personal logo. However, it's true that for a graphic designer the most complex project is when it has to make a project for itself. Why is it complicated? Because we are a designer, we always want the best and we want our jobs to be perfect, like ...
SALT Logo by Santiago Landaburü
Art Director Santiago Landaburü was looking for opportunities to work abroad and decided to change his image. He wanted to update himself with social networks and start up more projects continuously. That's why this project is called this way because his complete name is Santiago Andres Landaburu T...