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Fingers Prosthesis by Nikita Replyanski
"This a concept model for a real prototype of the finger prosthesis for Motorica company . A year ago they started from a simple engineering prototype and now they are developing a real high quality product. They are following the idea of the Express Prosthesis that will give us...
Envisioning Futures by Odart Graterol
Envisioning the future is part of a test on architectural approaches to an hipotetical possible future. - Odart Graterol "Alpha Tower " was the product of an idea on a tower whose form and materiality had to do with a hypothetical site . In this place would be available old Industrial Technology of ...
Ade by Manrico Freda
The Ade is a desk designed by Manrico Freda, a talented artist from Piacenza. This desk is created to offer a level below the work surface that is very accessible wher it can be used to quickly put objects and devices. Also when it comes charging without disconnecting them or leaving them at hand. L...
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