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A Diary - Lake Van Express
One day, we were sitting on the table and thinking about where to go for the semester. Then we decided to go for a 24 hours long train trip from Ankara to Van. It was called The Lake Van Express. It was the first time we go to the East of Anatolia. Those pictures are what's left behind from this jou...
Chasing the Skies
Photography of beautiful skies, roads, clouds and sunsets. And of course, the point is, you're having a good time doing all that. If you have a good time, you feel good and you get good pictures if you feel good. That's the basic detail I want to reflect on this project....
Milan by German Kopytkov
Today's feature will take you to the wonderful place of Milan. Its beauty will capture every heart of the person who will see it whether in person or in photos. Let us take a look at these photographs and may this bring you inspiration to your future projects. Read on and enjoy!...