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The PokéFont

Every year I like to take part in the 36 Days of Type, a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular interpretation of the letters and numbers of our alphabet. And so for this year's take, I decided to be inspired by something that is very close to my heart, Pokémon!

The main goal was to represent each letter through a Pokémon's name or number. I wanted to create this project using a variety of colour, so I used the Pokémon's type to distinguish the palette for each piece, as these are all represented using distinct colours. Then it was just a case of picking my favourites to flesh out the project!

I used Adobe Photoshop Sketch on my iPad Pro to flesh out the design. I'd then take this into Photoshop for the final piece, using my iPad and Apple Pencil as a drawing table via Astropad, it's my favourite way to illustrate now!

I was surprised by how positive the response was! It's always nice to see people that share your love for something, but when I decided to mix my love for Pokémon and illustration for the first time it was great to see people resonate with the collaboration!

Billy Stickley

Hi. I’m Billy Jazz Hills Stickley. Yes, that is indeed my real name and I am a designer based in South London.

After graduating with a degree in Computer Game Arts I’ve found myself dabbling in all sorts of work, from motion graphics to illustrating naked nudey bodies or even animating flying pizza slices into the mouth of a personified cloud.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with a variety of clients such as Adidas, Domino’s, CALM and many more.

Occasionally I like to return to my roots as a game artist, tinkering with bits of code putting my own games together or doodling my own quirky characters and bringing them to life.

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