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Yellow Umbrella

Illustration of a girl with the yellow umbrella in a rainy setting.

I looked online to see different life pictures of the bar, I wanted to make the setting at night so I chose shades of purple, and orange for the light. I wanted to show the girl in a modern setting alone in the rain as if waiting for someone, but only the lights from inside the bar are outside with her.

For starters, I made a sketch using Adobe Photoshop, and then Then all color base of each elements was done in illustrator.
Each element was imported into photoshop and organized into "layer folders". In each folder I added layers of texture, shadows, and lights.
This way every element can be isolated and moved around.

A lot of people liked the illustration, vector art was definitely new for me and I'd like to create more in that style.

You can have a look at the Behance project here:

Noha Nabil

Hi! my name is Noha and I'm an illustrator from Egypt.

I have always loved drawing and the process of designing and creating visual elements and storytelling.

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