Design Ideas Logo
If you love lettering, branding and the world of hairdressing, this course is for you. We will begin with exercises that help you give direction to lettering by baselines, we will see vectorization tips, and finally we will decorate the lettering with illustrations and ornamentation creating a stron...
Barbos - Men's care products
Vasily Radchenko asked for help in the development of the visual identity for the "Barbos" brand about a month ago and we have come to this task with great responsibility. "Barbos" - care products for a gentleman. Vasily himself knead all products exclusively from natural ingredients, selects men's...
CUE UI Mockup by Lenn Hypolite
Lenn Hypolite started off drawing and painting as an illustrator and painter. Then came across Photoshop, InDesign, illustrator and After Effects....