Inside Ventures by Pablo Chico
Inside Venture is a project that came to me recently for a company that was merging 2 other companies. The company is based in Kansas City specialized in sales and marketing of consumer services.I wanted to give the icon a bit powerful and perfection combining the initials of the company I+V with a triangle. This gives the icon a lot of power and can responsively get small without losing the recognition.
-Pablo Chico
The rounded corners give it a fresh and clean design so it can look really nice as icon for an app too and the red spike gives the meaning of inside ventures. The colors give the brand a lot of personality. Light turquoise gives the brand fresh and gets close to young crowd which is important in this sector. Red in the detail gives a lot of power and personality to the brand. It represents that spike that we want to show standing out from our competitors. And the dark one gives the brand a bit of seriousness and sobriety.
-Pablo Chico
I always try to give it a sense so it takes me 2 days to think the idea then 2 days for the drafts and then 1 day for the final proposals. My inspiration comes from walking around the city looking for something different. Also, I tried to do something that could be power as an app icon. My style, very minimalistic and conceptual. I try always to give the brand meaning and a lot of complexity behind its simplicity. People that I follow and I love are STUDIOJQ, Maurizio Pagnozzi, Ramin Nasibov, Alex Trochut, Fabien Delange... And a lot of others.
-Pablo Chico
I would advise them not settle for anything and look for what they really want. No one said it was gonna be easy, but if you really want it you'll get it.
-Pablo Chico
All images are taken from stocksnap and libertaddigital.
About Pablo Chico
Pablo Chico is a digital graphic designer interested in creativity and new ways to make possible any project. He loves branding, lettering and art direction. See more of his proejct on Behance or his website.