Mar - Museu da Arte de Rua

MAR is a museum about street art, a place where every work created by independent artists has its space. The idea is that it is more than a physical space, but also virtual, helping to show works incredible handicrafts, graffites, decorations, fine arts and etc ...
I wanted to develop a project that would help the street artists community and speak the same language. The entire color palette and assets was inspired by street works and their work. The initial concept was to develop a brand that would illustrate the voice, spotlight, and space that every street performer should have.
All design and brand creation was done in Adobe Illustrator. Posters, flyers, tickets and other pieces of the project were created in Adobe Photoshop. The base font used in the project came from Adobe Typekit. Images used came from unsplash.
The answer was pretty cool. This project is attached to a personal project, called 10 logos / 10 days, which won a label on Gr on Behance. It had a great scope and my work was published in some inspirational profiles on instagram.
I love this design, so eccentric and fun