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Susita Branding by Belinda Love Lee
Belinda Love Lee took inspiration from her client's personality and needs in making this project. She also put edge coloring and letterpress effect which made this project fresh and beautiful. This amazing artist described her work as whimsical,minimal and quirky designs. Read on and see her fresh d...
Costauds Costauds Brand Identity by Marta Veludo
Costauds Costauds art set is a collaborative effort of the owner and our featured artist. Marta developed the brief provided by Costauds Costauds on their latest collection. There is a fusion of punk, masculine touch and elegance in this set. Read on and appreciate! Enjoy!...
LAVANNIA SKINCARE by Dinesh Sridharan
Lavannia Skincare is a commissioned project for a cosmetic company that uses organic botanical ingredients in their products. Let's check out these feminine, minimal and fresh designs! Read on!...
Bounc by Christian Vizcarra Cabrera
Today's feature is about a real-time intelligence platform that combines Door Management Solutions along with detailed demographic analytics. It is called Bounc, designed by Christian Vizcarra Cabrera, a talented UX and UI designer. Take a look at these designs and be inspired. Enjoy!...