Design Ideas Logo
Eros - The Cupid
This project has the process of a digital illustration from the god of love and eroticism, Eros or mostly known as Cupid of Greek mythology. Having as reference sculptures, paintings and stories I have heard. It was a project to challenge myself especially on trying to draw wings and a planned scena...
Pizza & Souvlaki Co
Set in a quaint New South Wales country town, Pizza & Souvlaki Co is a gourmet takeaway restaurant with a passion for fresh, homely cuisine with an infusion of Greek and Italian flavours. The brief was to encapsulate the essence of the two cultures using earthy yet modern branding solutions. A p...
These were commissioned for a series of projects at Icalia Labs, a Mexico-based business focused on delivery digital products for business design, web and mobile development. The icons will be displayed on their Github account accompanying different coding projects for specific tasks: https://gith...
Ancient Greek Mythology by George Tsavalos
George Tsavalos was born in Athens, Greece in 1994. He's studying Graphic Design at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and Vakalo Art and Design College. ...