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Sophisticated Lady by Miss Cyndi
Sophisticated Lady is an illustration of the incarnation of women that shows in staying pure and true to herself. Let us take a look on Miss Cyndi's piece of art and enjoy!...
Cover Art for Save Us Records #1 by Ivan Blažetić Šumski
Save Us Records is a Berlin based music label. Their music is deep, eclectic and emotional. There are many stories intervened in every visual. Every illustration is a story for itself, inspired with the title of the realise and the ambience of the music. Let us take a look and be inspired by these d...
Little Love by Micaela Dawn
Little Love was created for the groove-rock band; the 'Well Mannered Thieves,' for the release of their upcoming single. The idea came from playing around with animals that could represent the emotions of the characters....
Big Love from Big Dogs by Mariana Ayala
They say that dogs are man's best friend. Well today, we will show you our featured talented artist for today who brings out her love for dogs as shown in her designs. Let us take a look and get inspired with her artworks. Have fun!...
A Painting Full of Love by Zac Retz
Love is the greatest feeling that a person can feel in this world. In love, you just don't do random things but you capture meaningful moments in life whether you do it individually or with the person you love the most. In this feature, we will show you wonderful and loving moments in life through ...