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Inktober 2018
Do you know about the Inktober? This is the same but with the topic "creepy", and here you can see a selection of the best pictures from past year's "creeptober". "Creeptober" was originally created by the twitter user @OmegaBlack1631, who made it as an alternative list of daily topics for the Inkto...
Two portraits of some cool cyberpunk ladies! I practiced my geometric illustration style in this Westworld and Blade Runner fan art. Faking traditional art textures with digital tools seemed appropriate for these synthetic women. I also went balls-to-the-wall with color to create something really di...
Invasion of the Dinosaurs with Laser Eyes... from Outer Space!
This was a very fun piece I was asked to draw by Joshua Mims (for whom I'd designed the poster for The Five Santas) in December 2017. He basically told me to draw a poster featuring dinosaurs that shot lasers from their eyes, and from there on he gave me full reign to do as I pleased. The result was...
MORPHOGENESIS is the first project I ever posted online. I had been working as UI designer at that time at USA studio and was investing my time in learning 3D. Designing and working after working hours everyday. It's mixed industry project, crossover of futuristic ui and science fiction environment...
Leaving The Fields Of Steel
This illustration is part of a series of pictures that tell a short story. It is a 2d/3d mix created with a variety of different tools using digital matte painting techniques. I'm a big scifi fan so I did have a lot of fun creating this piece!...
Vehicle & SciFi Illustration by Liam Keating
Vehicle & SciFi Illustration project was once a hobby turned into a collection of projects from clients around the world. Our artist Liam Keating is fascinated with vehicles and Science Fiction and has created a portfolio of amazing arts. Check it out!...
Envisioning Futures by Odart Graterol
Envisioning the future is part of a test on architectural approaches to an hipotetical possible future. - Odart Graterol "Alpha Tower " was the product of an idea on a tower whose form and materiality had to do with a hypothetical site . In this place would be available old Industrial Technology of ...